What is Freedom Programme

Freedom Programme is an 11-week programme aimed to help female victims/survivors of Domestic Abuse process their experience of abuse and regain control over their life by understanding what abuse is and helping them learn and realise how they should be treated. We look in detail at the different personas the Dominator uses to gain power and control in a relationship; The Bully, The Jailer, The Headworker, The Persuader. The Liar, The Bad Father, The King of the Castle and The Sexual Controller.
Domestic abuse is an incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading and or violent behaviour, including sexual violence, in the majority of cases by a partner or ex-partner, but Domestic Abuse can also be from a family member.
Freedom Programme was written by Pat Craven, Pat worked as a Probation Officer and Parole Officer for many years learning directly from the perpetrators, what tactics they used to control their victims, what their belief system was which made them feel this behaviour was acceptable and what reinforced these beliefs. The aim of the programme is to help women make sense of, and understand what has happened to them during abuse, instead of the whole experience just feeling like a horrible mess.
As well as looking at all of the personas of the Dominator in detail we also provide a session on the effects of Domestic Abuse on children and Warning signs to look for at the beginning of future relationships.
An abusive person tends to pick his victims and will more often than not choose kind, empathic people who want to help others, so when you enter the Freedom Programme you are joined by many women who are kind, empathic and want to help each other so we always have a nice atmosphere of support and understanding.
At Phoenix Healing we currently offer a free group face-to-face session in Southport town centre for any resident in Sefton. We also offer a free group session online via zoom for any resident of Sefton. 121 sessions are available however these do carry a charge.
To attend the programme please fill in our online referral form and a member of our team will be in touch to refer you into our system and answer any questions you may have, alternatively you can email us to self-refer on refer@phoenixhealingcic.co.uk